
This program features the general curation of Emiliano Valdés and the guidance of Irene Gelfman, global curator of Pinta.

Irene Gelfman
Irene Gelfman
Global Curator

Irene Gelfman is the Global Curator of Pinta. Her curatorial approach covers all Pinta events, with the goal of promoting Latin American art through a variety of initiatives. Among these, she selects renowned experts for the fair sections and coordinates their curatorial proposals, which undergo a careful selection and validation process, ensuring high-level projects in the field of Latin American art. Additionally, she is responsible for the Video Project and Special Project at each fair, which highlight the diversity and innovation of Latin American art.  

Emiliano Valdés
Emiliano Valdés
NEXT Curator

Emiliano Valdés will be the General Curator of the first edition of Pinta Panamá. Through his carefully curated selection of proposals, he will coordinate a cultural agenda open to the public, allowing them to experience Panama’s vibrant art scene at various locations throughout the city.